Are You Planning The Funeral Of A Dear Friend?

Did one of your dearest friends recently pass away? Perhaps this individual never married and never had children, or maybe they outlived all of their family members. Whatever the reason that you are the designated person to plan your friend's funeral service, you are more than likely having mixed feelings. Of course, you are probably very saddened to lose somebody who was dear to you. On the other hand, perhaps you are joyful that they can now join with the loved ones that preceded them in death. Read More 

4 Tips to Help You Save Money on Your Funeral

While most people consider weddings, cars, and homes some of their biggest life purchases, planning and paying for a funeral can also make a significant dent in your finances. Funeral arrangements are important because they need to not only show respect for the individual that passed away, but they also need to be meaningful to the individuals who are grieving him or her. It is possible to plan a funeral without breaking the bank. Read More