State Veteran Cemeteries: Common Faqs

Veterans, or those who have served or been honorably discharged from the armed forces, can sometimes have access to burial options not available to the general population. If you are a veteran, are the relative of a veteran, or are left in charge of making funeral arrangements for a veteran, it is important that you understand what is available. Burial in a state cemetery may be possible. Take a look at some of the things you may need to know about these unique cemeteries. Read More 

What To Consider About A Funeral When A Loved One Passes From COVID-19

The current state of the world has left families with some tough choices to make when it comes to loved ones that have gotten sick and passed on. It becomes even more difficult when you need to plan a funeral services and it is not the way that anyone would have pictured it. Here are some things to consider when having a funeral with a loved one that has passed away due to COVID-19. Read More 

Reasons You May Want To Choose Cremation When Pre-Planning Your Funeral

If you have decided that you are going to pre-plan your funeral so that the members of your family do not have to go through the process of doing so themselves, you have many decisions to make. One of the biggest decisions has to do with your final resting state and place. You can either choose a traditional burial or cremation. There are many reasons why you may want to choose cremation services over a traditional burial. Read More 

3 Major Advantages Of Cremation For A Deceased Family Member

When a family member passes on, it's important to plan for their funeral. Part of this involves figuring out what will be done with their body. There are several options, but cremation services are worth considering because of the following advantages.  Cost-Effective If you went the traditional route where your family member was placed into a casket, then there are a lot of costs you have to cover. The price of a casket alone can range into the thousands, which isn't always feasible for families today. Read More 

Making It Through The Loss Of A Loved One While Having To Social Distance

With strict social distancing orders making their way across the country due to COVID-19 in 2020, people who lost loved ones were faced with new challenges. Normally crowded funeral homes had to keep crowds to more conservative sizes of ten people or less, and many more people opted for cremation over traditional burial because of restrictions on gathering. If you lose a loved one during a pandemic when social distancing is critical, you can expect there to be a lot of differences in how things take place with the funeral home. Read More